Screen Printing Preparations

There is nothing more satisfying than creating your own tools for the job currently sanding down and sealing a piece of MDF for my new silk screen to be mounted. A printmaking project that l have been promising myself to pursue, it’s been in the background for a while saying ‘when are you going to set me up’? Nearly there now! January and February are very still months weather wise but l find them exciting to ponder on what will happen for the coming spring months so springing into action now. Nothing but good feelings ATM!

Trebah Garden on Saturday January 13th

Mission today on my fathers birthday (he would have been 99) to find a tree my mother had planted in remembrance of him more than 15 years ago.

The tree ferns were the only beauties in January here everything else in mid January was in full dormancy.

I had a few photos and notes sent to me by mother who now lives in Madeira.

When we arrived at Trebah unfortunately there was no assistance from the staff for specific tree location as it was the weekend and the head gardener Darren was off. So, it became a hunt and search along Badger Badger’s Walk.

However after descending into the bottom of the Chilean Coomb near Azolia Pool we met a man who knew the place well and he kindly helped us. We back tracked up Badgers Walk past the amphitheatre and he spotted the likely tree despite it being just twigs at this time of year! But the botanical labels confirmed it, it was indeed a JAPANESE ACER but not the FIRE GLOW but a BLOODGOOD very similar, I thought perhaps that they did not have a Fireglow at the time of planting.

We checked all around the area and there were no other Japanese Maples to be seen so I felt quite confident this was Dad’s tree. We were very grateful for the strangers help and his knowledge of the plants and trees here.

Trebah the gardens 26 acres…

I photographed what I thought was his tree, the stranger posing for scale purposes! He reckoned it was at least 15 years old which tied in with our data. However, when I checked the trees identification at its base it was H13 No. 4472 we were searching for H12 Accession No. 4469 So disappointed and so very close.

But we shall return on a weekday next time when the gardener is there and a better time Spring for some foliage as well, which will be a little more photogenic.

We did have a fabulous day out though and was good to revisit Trebah after so many years 20 plus I think. Even in January it is a beautiful place to visit. We spotted many robins and a solitary Goldcrest above Bench no. 2 :)) which was a bonus.

Looking forward to revisiting in Spring and we shall find his tree Mum ;)